Arctic to Indian!

Just the name conjures up a sense of wonderment and adventure.

It was the mid-80’s; Willy Van Hemert had just invited me on their yearly trek. His eyes gleamed as he described the epic ski, dropping into the wilderness backdoor of Anchorage.

Willy & Rose Van Hemert, Along With Me

I was the Anchorage District Engineer for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Willy was owner of CRW Engineering. We both loved skiing.

This first trip was a memorable one. At the mid-point of the 22- mile ski, I slammed into a depression. A loud snap gave me a sickening feeling. My ski had broken right below the heel plate. Skiing on a half-ski quickly dropped me behind the group.

Another engineer in the group came to my aid. Brian Looney insisted on exchanging skis with me and he skied the rest of the way out on the half-ski. I can’t think of many people that would offer this type of assistance.

Ingrid Skied Many Trips

I have made this epic ski many times since then. My daughter Ingrid joined me on a number of trips. Ingrid was a top skier for the Chugiak Mustangs, so it was a challenge to keep up with her.

My latest trip on 4/8/24 is during a record snow year. I was patiently watching the weather. It looked like Monday was the day. A Bluebird day! I got a ride to the jump-off point up Artic Valley Road. The clear cold night made or ideal conditions. I could ski anywhere on the hard crust, cruising through the trees on the descent to Ship Creek. Many snow bridges were still in place. I picked my own trail through the trees. The familiar peaks strongly silhouetted against the azure sky. Half-way through I was greeted by a set of converging ski tracks from both sides. I tried to read the tracks, definitely from the past weekend. But one set looked very fresh, with accompanying dog tracks. I peered ahead, looking for movement, but I appeared to be the lone skier.

Indian Pass! Views of Turnagain Arm! Thoughts of a beer at the Brown Bear Saloon in Indian. Powder enchanted me at the top of the pass. Good cruising, then to softened crust. The obstacle course through the trees, out to the powerline cruise to the end, and a beer!

View of Turnagain Arm From Indian Pass

Refreshments at the Brown Bear Saloon!

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